Motherhood Sessions

The celebration of maternal love

3 Ways to express your love and capture connection in a Motherhood Session

  1. Embrace

Embrace those little babes as tight as possible. Create those poetic moments you want to cherish and hang on your wall.
Is there anything better than holding your babies in your arms?


2. Laughter

Think of anything and everything that brings joy and laughter during a session. Eat toes, tickle tummies, making goofy faces.
Seeing those genuine laughs — gawwww it melts me.


3. Eye Contact

Take them all in. Be totally connected and present. Talk to them. Sing to them. Do whatever it takes to make them engage with you. You’ll want to remember how your little ones used to lock eyes with you.

If all else fails–


Your children feed off of your energy. So bring joy by holding them tight and swinging them around. What child doesn’t love to play and dance?

The maternal bond between mothers and their children is something I really find a passion in documenting and creating timeless pieces of art. You’ll see the celebration of maternal love in a lot of my work. Which is why I am really excited to start offering motherhood focused sessions.

Happy Mother’s Day loves!